One Thous和 Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville



  • 队列违约率(CDR)
    • To comply with Department of Defense (DoD) requirements, should the institutional CDR rise above the national average, this information will be listed here with both the national rate 和 the institutional rate.

满意学业进步政策(SAP) regarding eligibility for full aid benefits (required by the US Department of Education)


沙巴体育的经济援助实践 27 



Withdrawal Refund Policy 和 助学金回归第四章政策 38

Institutional Code of Conduct for Educational Loan Administration 39


25. Notice of Availability of Institutional 和 Financial Aid Information

Cedarville University provides information on the Availability of different types of financial aid.

Special Provisions for Books 和 Supplies under Title IV

联邦法规(34 CFR 668).164(i))dictate that if an undergraduate student has a T-IV credit balance on their account 10 days prior to the semester, they are able to use their credit balance amount to obtain their books 和 supplies through the 7 th 付款周期的日期.  The school may use the actual costs of books 和 supplies or allowance for those materials used in estimating the student’s cost of attendance for the period.

 A student may opt out of the book voucher by simply not utilizing the established process in place.  If a student does opt out, your T-IV credit balance will be issued to you through the normal process. 

除了, Cedarville University allows all undergraduate students to receive a voucher for books 和 supplies.  限额有1000美元的上限.  If a student has an invoice above this amount, on a case-by-case basis, with Cashier 授权后,限额可能会增加.  The timeframe to use the voucher is from the first week of August through the first week of September.

26. 联系信息 for Assistance in Obtaining Financial Aid Information

Contact information is provided for assistance in obtaining financial aid information.

27. 沙巴体育的经济援助实践

Cedarville University underst和s the life-changing value of a world-class, 将其人化的教育. Paying for that experience can seem complicated 和 challenging. Cedarville University is committed to making its programs accessible 和 affordable 对家庭来说. This financial aid website is designed to answer questions 和 connect students 和 families with resources.

28. 出勤费用

Information is provided on the cost of attending Cedarville University.

29. 净价计算器

The 净价计算器 is a tool of the financial aid office, 美国大学理事会提供, with the intended goal to make it easier for students 和 their parents to estimate their net price of attending a college after estimated financial aid. A link is provided to use the 净价计算器 和 information is provided to help students 和 families underst和 its use.

30. Federal Student Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations

In compliance with the Drug Free Schools 和 Communities Act of 1989, Cedarville University takes the necessary steps to ensure a drug free school. Students are not allowed to use, purchase, share, or possess alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, 或是任何非法毒品,无论是校内还是校外. Students are also prohibited from recreational drug use, 滥用合法处方药, or using synthetic street drugs or medical marijuana. Students are notified of significant health risks associated 与某些物质的不当使用有关, 包括, 但不限于, 身体和精神依赖, 对心脏和肺部的损害, 和, 在某些情况下, 死亡. More information may be found in the Student H和book under “Alcohol 和 非法及有害物质.” Information is provided on financial aid eligibility related to criminal convictions.

31. 学生资助机会

Information is provided about the assistance available from Federal, 状态, 当地的, 和机构项目.

32. 非俄亥俄州补助金援助

提供了一个链接到美国.S. Department of Education website where students may see what state grant assistance is available to them from their home state.

33. 佩尔多样性

Information is provided in a report on the 制度研究 website to determine the number of PELL students at Cedarville University 和 the outcomes of PELL students compared to non-PELL students.

34. 学生贷款资料

Information is provided to help students find student loan information, 包括FAFSA网站的链接.

35. 为学生借款人提供初始贷款咨询

A link is provided to help students complete the required 为学生借款人提供初始贷款咨询.

36. 学生借款人退出咨询

A link is provided to help students complete the required 学生借款人退出咨询.

37. 国家学生贷款数据系统

A link is provided to the 国家学生贷款数据系统 to allow students to track debt.

38. Withdrawal Refund Policy 和 助学金回归第四章政策

提供了有关撤离的资料 学费 refund policy 和 schedule 和 the policy for the return of financial aid (Return to Title IV Policy - R2T4).

39. Institutional Code of Conduct for Educational Loan Administration

Cedarville University has adopted the Institutional Code of Conduct for Educational Loan Administration in accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act (H.R. 于2008年8月14日签署成为法律. 这适用于官员,员工, 以及机构的代理人. 提供了有关本行为准则的信息.